Apple Beet Celery Juice - ABC for Good Health

This juice is a nutrient packed medley of red apple and powerful vegetables, tailored to boost your immune function and reduce inflammation.

Remember if you want to harness the maximum amount of enzyme power and vitamins from foods you juice, you need a juicer with the motor away from the ingredients. Also juicer with metal parts generates heat which breaks down the enzymes. It's worth the small investment to buy a masticating juicer. It keeps the nutrients in your foods intact.

One option an Omega Juicer— the motor is in the back, away from the chute.

juicer mechanism

juicer mechanism

Also, there are no metal parts in the 'juicing' mechanism... instead there is acplastic rotating grinder that basically chews the foods releasing the juice.

Apple Beet Celery Juice

Strong anti-oxidants and vitamins.

  • 1 small, or half a medium organic Red-skin Apple

  • 1/4 organic Beet

  • 3-4 organic Broccoli florets

  • 2-3 stalks fresh organic Celery

  • 1 organic Red Radish (2 if small)

  • 1/2 large Carrot

  • 3 leaves organic Red or Green Leaf Lettuce

  • 2 tsp. fresh organic Lemon juice (add at the end)

Cut each item into slices that will fit the juicer's chute.  Add lemon juice at the end. Juice all, and drink up!

TIP: Save the pulp and add to stew, soup, or muffins!  You can freeze it and use it later.

When Should I Drink My Juice?

It's best to drink your juice on an empty stomach, either first thing in the morning, or an hour away from meals. This will allow you to absorb the maximum amount of nutrients.


If you are just beginning to juice, and your normal diet includes many processed foods or refined sugar, take it slow! Start by juicing once every 2 - 3 days and increase the amount slowly.  The reason for this is when you juice, your body absorbs the nutrients very quickly, and will begin to detox your cells. You don’t want to overwhelm your system.


Most fruits are high in sugar.  Stick with Berries, red skin apples (like Fuji), under-ripe pears and peaches. Diabetics should consult their doctor or a nutritionist before beginning a juicing regimen that includes fruit. 

~ Cheers!  ♥

The Antioxidant Capacity of Veggies, Fruits n' Spices

This table shows the anti-oxidant potency, ORAC (Oxygen radical absorbant-capacity) value of the listed foods.

An  intake of at least 8,500 ORAC is recommended, and yet most of us only get around 1,800 units per day.

>>  People with high oxidation levels (athletes, runners..) may need 10,000 units or more to maintain a healthy immune system.

Diet is the preferred way to increase your levels, as opposed to supplements, but most people don't seem able to fit 7 -8 servings of these fruits and vegetables a day.  That's why taking pharmaceutical-quality antioxidants is critical.  I can guide you in selecting trusted brands, and the top hitters.

Organic foods with deeper, darker colors have higher anti-oxidant levels.  Commercially raised, sprayed produce offers much less, and actually taxes your immune system.


The Antioxidant Capacity of Fruits and Vegetables


Blueberries 1 cup 3240
Cinnamon, ground ¼ tsp 2675
Pomegranate juice 5 ozs 2450
Pomegranate juice 5 ozs 2450
Blackberries 1 cup 2932
Strawberries 1 cup 2288
Figs ½ c. 2124
Oregano leaf, dried ¼ tsp. 2001
Prunes 4 pitted 1848
Pomegranate ½ pomegranate 1654
Turmeric ¼ tsp 1592
Raspberries 1 cup 1510
Brussels Sprouts 6 1236
Green Tea 1 teabag, steeped 5   mins 1200
Raisins ¼ cup 1019
Spinach, steamed ½ cup, cooked 1089
Kale ½ cup, cooked 1150
Oatbran 1/2 cup 992
Orange 1 982
Plum, dark purple 1 949
Cabbage, purple ½ cup 924
Cranberries ½ cup 831
Broccoli Florets ½ c. cooked 817
Parsley, dried ¼ tsp. 743
Beets ½ cup, cooked 715
Spinach, Raw 1 cup 678
Basil leaf, dried ¼ tsp 675
Cantaloupe ½ melon 670
Beans, baked ½ cup 640
Plum, red 1 626
Grapefruit, pink ½ 580
Pepper, Red 1 med. Pepper 540
Watermelon 1/16th,   10” diameter 501
Kiwi 1 458
Cherries 10 455
Asparagus 8 spears 900
Beans, Kidney ½ cup, cooked 400
Eggplant, with skin ½ cup, cooked 386
Onion ½ cup chopped 360
Corn ½ cup cooked 330
Yam or sweet potato ½ cup cooked 301
Pumpkin ½ cup mashed 301
Apple 1 medium 300
Peas, frozen ½ c. cooked 291
Ginger, ground ¼ tsp. 288
Banana 1 252
Applesauce ½ cup 250
Mango 1/2 cup 246
Potatoes ½ cup cooked 244
Cauliflower ½ cup cooked 234
Tomato 1 medium 233
Zucchini ½ cup, cooked 230
Pear 1 medium 222
Leaf Lettuce 10 leaves 200
Tofu ½ cup 195
Squash, yellow ½ cup, cooked 183
Grapes, red 10 177
Apricots 3 175
Carrots, cooked ½ cup 160
Tomato sauce ¼ cup 149
Avocado, Florida ½ 149
Peach 1 medium 137
Green beans ½ cup cooked 125
Melon, honeydew 1/10th 125
Lettuce, iceberg 5 large leaves 116
Carrots, raw ½ cup 115
Grapes, white 10 107
Cabbage, white ½ cup 105
Celery ½ cup, diced 60
Cucumber ½ cup, sliced 28