Avoid Malnutrition
Cancer is a wasting disease. Over 40% of cancer patients actually die from malnutrition, not from cancer. Cancer generates chemicals that lower appetite while increasing calorie needs. The net effect is that many cancer patients begin to lose weight. You cannot fight a life-threatening disease while malnourished. You need all the proper nutrition you can get to feed your immune system, which is your army assigned to killing the cancer cells. The backbone of the immune system is protein.
If you cannot eat solid foods, then try the high protein shakes.
While chemotherapy and radiation can kill cancer cells, these therapies are general toxins against your body cells also. A well –nourished cancer patient can protect healthy cells against the toxic effects of chemo and radiation, thus making cancer cells more vulnerable to the medicine. Proper nutrition can make chemo and radiation more of selective toxin against the cancer and less damaging to the patient. (It's during this phase that you should consider supplements that support your body, and enhance the drugs' effectiveness).
Turbocharge Your Immune System
Your immune system consists fo 20 trillion cells that compose your police force and garbage collectors. The immune system is responsible for killing the bad guys, any cells that are not participating in the processes of your body, including cancer, yeast, bacteria, virus, and dead cells. “Kill the bad guys and take out the trash,” That is what your immune system is supposed to do. But since you have cancer, something is wrong with your immune system; usually either stress, toxic burden, or malnutrition.
Eat well and take professionally designed nutrition supplements. Lower you stress levels. Use guided imagery to imagine your immune cells like sharks gobbling up the cancer cells. This technique REALLY WORKS!! Detoxify your body. The average American has 1,000 times more heavy toxic metals than our primitive ancestors before the dawning of the industrial age. Toxins shut down the ability of the immune system to mount a good battle against cancer cells.
As your cells divide billions of times daily, mistake cells are the inevitable consequence. These mistake cells sometimes grow into cancer cells, which your immune system is programmed to gobble up like Pac Man. The average adult gets 6 bouts of cancer in a lifetime, yet only 42% of Americans will end up in a cancer hospital. The other 58% had a respectable immune system, which protected them.
Nutrition products that have demonstrated an ability to bolster immune function include; colostrums extracts, whey extracts, aloe extracts, mushroom extracts (Maitake, AHCC [Immpower]), yeast cell wall extracts (1,3 beta glucan), IP-6 (phytic acid), ImmKine, and Essiac tea.
The Healing Power of Whole Foods
It is amazing how simple the answer to cancer can be. Our brilliant researchers have spent 33 years and $50 billion of your tax dollars wrestling with the complex issue of curing cancer. Yet Nature has been solving the dilemma for thousands of years. All of us get cancer all of the time, yet magical ingredients in whole food diet are there to help the body beat cancer. Ellagic acid from berriesinduces “suicide” in the cancer cells. Lycopenes from tomatoes help to suppress cancer growth. Genistein in soy, glutathione in green leafy vegetables, and S-allyl cysteine in garlic are examples of the new scientifically-validated cancer fighters of the 21st century.
You don’t have to wait 7 years while some drug company goes through $800 million drug approval process, nor for FDA approval, nor for a doctor’s prescription for some drug that has many toxic side effects and costs thousands of dollars each month. These miracle anti-cancer agents are waiting patiently at your nearby grocery store and health food store.
Herbal Medicine
There are thousands of herbs that have been used for thousands of years to treat cancer. None are guaranteed cures for all cancers, but many are non-toxic boosters of immune function and detoxification pathways. If you want the basic herb that all cancer patients should be using daily, then start with garlic-- as a food, seasoning, and/or pill supplement.