A Powerful Golden Detox Tea

Along with its anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant properties, Turmeric is a metabolism boosting spice.  It is a great detox agent, helping the liver break down toxic chemicals.

This delicious spice tea is a wonderful drink on its own. You can double the recipe and sip throughout the day.

  • 2 cup Hot Water

  • 1/2 tsp Turmeric

  • 1/2 tsp Powdered Ginger

  • 1 small Ceylon Cinnamon stick

  • 1/2 tsp. Coconut Oil (aids in absorbing turmeric)

  • 1 tsp raw Honey

  • Pinch of Cayenne

  • Pinch freshly cracked Black Pepper (boosts effectiveness of turmeric)

  • Juice of 1/2 small organic Lemon

    Bring 2 cups of water to a boil.  Add ingredients except lemon and honey. Simmer for 5 min.  Remove cinnamon stick. Add lemon and honey.

    Let cool slightly and enjoy.

  • ~ Cheers! ♥

If You Won't Drink it... Eat it!

So you don't like tea.  My boyfriend thinks it's only necessary to treat tummy aches... siiigh. This from a man dating a girl who is more British than the Brits about daily tea.  Well, apparently there are a number of you slightly odd people out there, fighting against the scientific evidence that drinking 3 - 5 cups of tea a day will boost your health and even ward off cancer.  To you I say...

"Eat it... eat it... Open up your mouth and feed it... " with thanks to Weird Al.

Here's where you say, "What in the world is she talking about? I think she's gone off her rocker, it must be all the tea she drinks."

Ummm, no.

If you won't drink tea, I want you to eat tea.  That's right.. EAT IT!

So here's how this goes...

You'll need:

  1. 4 c. filtered water
  2. 4 Tbs. Green Tea (Dragon Well, Sencha, or Gunpowder are best)
  3. a clean non-metal pitcher

Heat water to just below boiling point.  If it boils, then let it sit 5 - 6 minutes.

Place leaves in pitcher.  Add water and stir. Allow it to steep for 5 minutes.

Now, either drink the tea throughout the day, with a tiny squeeze of lemon to boost its anti-oxidant capacity, OR save and use in place of water in practically any recipe you're making!

Put tea leaves in a ceramic or glass bowl and refrigerate up to 2 days.

When you cook stir--fry's, vegetables or grains... add some of the tea leaves to the dish!  Our kids don't even notice them in mixed veggie dishes, and they get a nice dose of Auntie Oxidante.  :)

~ I rest my case, or my kettle.

Red Clover

This common plant contains an astonishing 125+ chemical constituents, including many minerals, vitamins, and amino acids. Like soy, it contains genestein, and also daidzein, daidzen, and daidzen-glycoside.  This is one reason former USDA herbalist James Duke, PhD, included red clover flowers as an ingredient in his cancer prevention salad. At Purdue University, scientists showed that an extract of red clover “significantly inhibited” a common carcinogen and decreased its binding to DNA by 30 to 40 percent.

A major active compound was then isolated from the clover and identified as biochanin A.

Red clover tea is sweet tasting and innocuous. Through summer and fall you can usually find red clover growing wild (choose a non-polluted area!). Just use one or two clover heads per cup of tea. You may also include whole fresh red clover heads in salads.

Abstract: The Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) isoflavone biochanin A inhibits aromatase activity and expression.