Music to Lift Your Heart

Sometimes a melody can lift us above everything, enabling us to look down and gain perspective, and be glad that in fact there is light in the world, we have to choose to see it and embrace it. This instrumental is such a melody... it lifted my heart and focused my mind on golden light... the kind that penetrates every cell with a healing vibration, reminding us that Love is our essence.

Ömer Faruk Tekbilek ♫ Aşk


~ In Love.

Re-Think Breakfast

It's somehow foreign to us to think of eating vegetables at breakfast, and yet in many parts of the world a breakfast without fresh vegetables or herbs is incomplete. Having grown up in a Mediterranean country, we always had a plate of freshly sliced tomatoes, cucumber, onion (yep), and some parsley and fresh mint at the table. A bowl of mixed, brined olives and strained yogurt (Labneh) were also part of the main cast.

It's time to embrace that thinking.  Nutritionists tell us that half our plate should be 'green'...well breakfast is no exception.

When I cook veggies I make enough to last 3-4 days.  They keep well, and then I don't have to work at making breakfast healthy.

This morning I tossed some green beans and a smattering of kale cooked with onions, garlic and sumac on my plate... a little romaine and tomato salad dressed in a lemon vinaigrette, add a scrambled Omega-3 egg for protein and a high fiber piece of toast... and Voila!

My cup of Dragonwell green tea with a hint of black pepper (for super antioxidant benefit) is the cherry on top.

  • Get creative.
  • Keep enough cooked or raw veggies on hand to make breakfast a no-brainer.
  • Brew 4-5 cups of green tea at a time so it's there when you want it.

Help with Chemotherpay Side Effects - Glutamine

Glutamine powder is recommended during Chemo. It may inhibit the usual nausea  or diarrhea, and after surgery it accelerates healing. Seacure® is a trusted supplement with Glutamine. Founded in 1994 by Dr. Donald Snyder and headquartered in Reading, Pa., Proper Nutrition, Inc. is built on a record of innovation stretching back to the early 1960s, when Dr. Snyder, as the head of a U.S. Department of the Interior Fisheries Research Laboratory, led the charge against world hunger.

Dr. Snyder, as a member of a special committee of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, was instrumental in developing an economically feasible method of providing protein to the world’s hungry.

A breakthrough came in the form of revolutionary FPC (Fish Protein Concentrate) technology, which allowed quality protein, retaining all of its original nutritional value, to be delivered to the body in a highly absorbable form. FPC was made available to the World Health Organization of the United Nations to aid in famine relief.

Today, Dr. Snyder and Proper Nutrition, Inc. offer revolutionary dietary supplements, including Intestive®, available directly to consumers; and SEACURE® and SEAVIVE®, professional products available for distribution by healthcare practitioners and retailers.  Proper Nutrition supplements offer proven alternatives for the support of the gastrointestinal tract and the promotion of immune system health.

Seacure® (click to read more) is rich in glutamine. Glutamine is an amino acid (protein building block) that is the preferential fuel source for the cells that line the digestive tract. Just as the brain loves to use glucose for energy, the cells that line the digestive tract love to use glutamine for energy. In fact glutamine helps the cells that line the digestive tract to deal with stress more effectively.

So why are the cells of the digestive tract stressed?

Well, these cells divide rapidly just like cancer cells. The lining of the stomach completely renews itself every 4 days! Unfortunately, chemotherapy hits the cells of the digestive tract just as hard as it hits the cancer cells. This is why chemotherapy medications so often produce nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite.

Seacure® strengthens the cells of the digestive tract so that they can handle the stress of being hit by chemotherapy medications without interfering with chemotherapy's effects on cancer cells.

Scientific research has found that when glutamine is given with chemotherapy or radiation, it not only protects the individual receiving the treatment from the side-effects of these therapies, it also increases the selectivity of the therapy for the tumor. Click here Scientific Reference if you would like the details of this research which was conducted in 1996.

So why not just supplement with glutamine instead of Seacure®?

The glutamine in Seacure® is better absorbed by the digestive tract than pure glutamine supplements. Why is this? Studies on human digestion have found that the digestive tract preferentially absorbs protein in the di-peptide (2 amino acids joined together) and tri-peptide (3 amino acids joined together) form.

The Antioxidant Capacity of Veggies, Fruits n' Spices

This table shows the anti-oxidant potency, ORAC (Oxygen radical absorbant-capacity) value of the listed foods.

An  intake of at least 8,500 ORAC is recommended, and yet most of us only get around 1,800 units per day.

>>  People with high oxidation levels (athletes, runners..) may need 10,000 units or more to maintain a healthy immune system.

Diet is the preferred way to increase your levels, as opposed to supplements, but most people don't seem able to fit 7 -8 servings of these fruits and vegetables a day.  That's why taking pharmaceutical-quality antioxidants is critical.  I can guide you in selecting trusted brands, and the top hitters.

Organic foods with deeper, darker colors have higher anti-oxidant levels.  Commercially raised, sprayed produce offers much less, and actually taxes your immune system.


The Antioxidant Capacity of Fruits and Vegetables


Blueberries 1 cup 3240
Cinnamon, ground ¼ tsp 2675
Pomegranate juice 5 ozs 2450
Pomegranate juice 5 ozs 2450
Blackberries 1 cup 2932
Strawberries 1 cup 2288
Figs ½ c. 2124
Oregano leaf, dried ¼ tsp. 2001
Prunes 4 pitted 1848
Pomegranate ½ pomegranate 1654
Turmeric ¼ tsp 1592
Raspberries 1 cup 1510
Brussels Sprouts 6 1236
Green Tea 1 teabag, steeped 5   mins 1200
Raisins ¼ cup 1019
Spinach, steamed ½ cup, cooked 1089
Kale ½ cup, cooked 1150
Oatbran 1/2 cup 992
Orange 1 982
Plum, dark purple 1 949
Cabbage, purple ½ cup 924
Cranberries ½ cup 831
Broccoli Florets ½ c. cooked 817
Parsley, dried ¼ tsp. 743
Beets ½ cup, cooked 715
Spinach, Raw 1 cup 678
Basil leaf, dried ¼ tsp 675
Cantaloupe ½ melon 670
Beans, baked ½ cup 640
Plum, red 1 626
Grapefruit, pink ½ 580
Pepper, Red 1 med. Pepper 540
Watermelon 1/16th,   10” diameter 501
Kiwi 1 458
Cherries 10 455
Asparagus 8 spears 900
Beans, Kidney ½ cup, cooked 400
Eggplant, with skin ½ cup, cooked 386
Onion ½ cup chopped 360
Corn ½ cup cooked 330
Yam or sweet potato ½ cup cooked 301
Pumpkin ½ cup mashed 301
Apple 1 medium 300
Peas, frozen ½ c. cooked 291
Ginger, ground ¼ tsp. 288
Banana 1 252
Applesauce ½ cup 250
Mango 1/2 cup 246
Potatoes ½ cup cooked 244
Cauliflower ½ cup cooked 234
Tomato 1 medium 233
Zucchini ½ cup, cooked 230
Pear 1 medium 222
Leaf Lettuce 10 leaves 200
Tofu ½ cup 195
Squash, yellow ½ cup, cooked 183
Grapes, red 10 177
Apricots 3 175
Carrots, cooked ½ cup 160
Tomato sauce ¼ cup 149
Avocado, Florida ½ 149
Peach 1 medium 137
Green beans ½ cup cooked 125
Melon, honeydew 1/10th 125
Lettuce, iceberg 5 large leaves 116
Carrots, raw ½ cup 115
Grapes, white 10 107
Cabbage, white ½ cup 105
Celery ½ cup, diced 60
Cucumber ½ cup, sliced 28

The Reasoning for Seasoning*!

Abstract: The activation of nuclear transcription factor κB has now been linked with a variety of inflammatory diseases, including cancer, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, diabetes, allergy, asthma, arthritis, Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis, psoriasis, septic shock, and AIDS.

Extensive research in the last few years has shown that the pathway that activates this transcription factor can be interrupted by phytochemicals derived from spices such as turmeric (curcumin), red pepper, cloves , ginger, cumin, anise, and fennel, basil and rosemary, garlic, and pomegranate (ellagic acid).

For the first time, therefore, research provides “reasoning for seasoning.”*

Suppression of the Nuclear Factor-κB Activation Pathway by Spice-Derived Phytochemicals: BHARAT B. AGGARWAL*, SHISHIR SHISHODIA.

Article first published online: 12 JAN 2006 - DOI: 10.1196/annals.1329.054

Berry Lemon Zest Pancakes - High Fiber

What better way to start the weekend than with a treat.  I don't often indulge in a mostly carb breakfast, but once a week, a high-fiber-carby-yummy treat is good for the soul...and that's good for the body.


I chopped some of the strawberries into the batter...added 1 Tbs. of flax-seed to the already hi-fiber buckwheat mix, an egg, the blueberries and 1 tsp. grated lemon zest.

Oh, and instead of milk I use Almond milk.


Oops! I forgot to show you the bar of 85% dark chocolate! Well, that's in the next photo...but I used 1 ounce to melt on and between the hotcakes.


Add the green tea with pepper and probiotics sprinkled on the rest of the strawberries, and you're ready to soothe the beast within!

P.S. If you like your cakes a little sweeter, use Farmer John's Maple Syrup made with Xylitol.

~ Cheers!



Sugars and Sweeteners - Glycemic Index

It's not easy to shop for foods by glycemic index unless you know what that is.  Once you have the ratings you can incorporate them into your shopping list before you leave the house.  With this in hand, and soon in your head!, you will be able to make intelligent choices about what is 'healthy'. The Glycemic Index (GI) is a numerical scale used to indicate how fast and how high a particular food can raise our blood glucose (blood sugar) level. A food with a low GI will typically prompt a moderate rise in blood glucose, while foods with a high GI may cause our blood glucose level to spike above the optimal level.

An awareness of foods' Glycemic Index can help you control your blood sugar levels, and may help you prevent heart disease, improve cholesterol levels, prevent insulin resistance and type-2 diabetes, prevent certain cancers, and achieve or maintain a healthy weight.

Note: A study tracked participants for year and found that overweight people on a low-carb, low-glycemic-index diet lost just as much weight -- 8% of their original weight -- as people on a reduced-fat, high-glycemic-index diet. So as long as you stick with healthy fats (Coconut and Olive oil), your focus should be on the GI of the foods you eat.

Artificial Sweeteners N/A Never a Healthy Sugar Alternative All artificial chemical sweeteners are toxic and can indirectly lead to weight gain, the very reason many people consume them. They should be avoided. In fact, given a choice between high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners, we recommend high fructose corn syrup by far (though it's essentially asking if you should consume poison or worse poison).

Stevia 0 Best Healthy Sugar Alternative Though it is 200-300 times sweeter than table sugar, stevia is not a sugar. Unlike other popular sweeteners, it has a glycemic index rating of less than 1 and therefore does not feed candida (yeast) or cause any of the numerous other problems associated with sugar consumption. Please note that Stevia and Truvia are not the same thing.

Xylitol 7 Xylitol is a natural sugar alcohol sweetener found in the fibers of fruits and vegetables which can cause bloating, diarrhea, and flatulence with initial consumption. It's said to be safe for pregnant women, and is said to possibly treat ear infections, osteoporosis, respiratory infections, candida, and is it even helps fight cavities. In fact, in Finland, virtually all chewing gum is sweetened with xylitol.

Agave Nectar 15-30 * Although it has a low-glycemic index, Agave syrup is made from the Blue Agave plant by the extraction and purification of "sap" from the agave plant, which is broken down by natural enzymes into the mono-saccharides (simple sugars): mainly fructose (70-75%) and dextrose (20-26%).

* Agave nectar is 90% fructose. If excessive fructose is causing our obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome epidemic, then agave might be worse than high fructose corn syrup (55% fructose) and worse than table sugar.

Fructose doesn’t stimulate insulin release and as a result, doesn’t stimulate the release of another hormone that makes us feel full. Plus, fructose goes to the liver to be broken down, and there it is converted to fat, which can raise cholesterol and triglycerides.

Furthermore, much of the Agave Syrups sold in stores are made from fructose and have little or no actual Agave sap in them.

Fructose 17 Though fructose has a low glycemic index rating, fructose consumption should be limited. Fructose is linked to heart disease as it raises triglycerides and cholesterol. It is devoid of nutrition. Refined fructose puts an enormous strain on the liver.

Brown Rice Syrup 85 It is not recommended for diabetics, since its sweetness comes from maltose, which is known to cause spikes in blood sugar.

Raw Honey 30 A Healthy Sugar Alternative in moderation With antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, carbohydrates, and phytonutrients, raw, unprocessed honey is considered a super-food by many alternative health care practitioners and a remedy for many health ailments. Choose your honey wisely. There is nothing beneficial about processed honey.

Coconut Palm Sugar 35 Originally made from the sugary sap of the Palmyra palm , the date palm or sugar date palm (Phoenix sylvestris). It's also made from the sap of coconut palms. With a relatively low glycemic index, Coconut palm sugar is the new rage among health nuts. It's often called "coconut nectar sugar" or "coconut sugar".  BUT.. The composition of coconut sugar (also known as gula kelapa, jaggery or gur) obtained from three locations in Indonesia was determined using HPLC. Sucrose was the major component of all samples (70-79%) followed by glucose and fructose (3-9% each).

Apple Juice 40 Fresh apple juice is good for you, though we recommend eating fresh raw whole apples. Concentrated apple juice (sometimes used as a sweetener) is closer to refined sugar than fresh apple juice.

Barley Malt Syrup 42 Barley malt syrup is considered to be one of the healthiest sweeteners in the natural food industry. Barley malt is made by soaking and sprouting barley to make malt, then combining it with more barley and cooking this mixture until the starch is converted to sugar. The mash is then strained and cooked down to syrup or dried into powder.

Amasake 43 This is an ancient, Oriental whole grain sweetener made from cultured brown rice. It has a thick, pudding-like consistency. It's not easy to find in the U.S., but it is a great alternative to refined table sugar.

Sugar Cane Juice 43 Healthy Sugar Alternative in moderation.  Sugar cane juice has many nutrients and other beneficial properties and is said by some health practitioners to be almost as medicinal as raw honey. The use of this substance (in moderation of course) has not been associated with any negative side effects or dangerous medical conditions.

Organic Sugar 47 Organic sugar comes from sugar cane grown without the use of chemicals or pesticides. It is usually darker than traditional white sugar because it contains some molasses. (It has not been processed to the degree white sugar is processed).

Maple Syrup 54 Maple syrup is made by boiling sap collected from natural growth maple trees during March & April. It is refined sap and is therefore processed.  It has a high glycemic index, and though it is much more nutritious than refined table sugar and high fructose corn syrup, there are better choices.

Evaporated Cane Juice 55 Evaporated cane juice is often considered unrefined sugar, but juicing is a refining process, and evaporating refines further. Though better than turbinado, cane juice (unevaporated) is a better choice as a sweetener.

Black Strap Molasses 55 White refined table sugar is sugar cane with all the nutrition taken out. Black strap molasses is all of that nutrition that was taken away. A quality organic (must be organic!) molasses provides iron, calcium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc, and is alkalizing to the body.

Turbinado 65 Turbinado sugar is partially processed sugar, also called raw sugar.

Raw sugar 65 Raw sugar is not actually raw sugar. It is processed, though not as refined as common white table sugar. Therefore, given a choice between raw and white, choose raw. There are many variations of raw sugar with names depending on how refined it is.

Cola (and most other sodas) 70 Though cola has a lower GI ranking then some might expect, there are many other reasons to avoid cola, or any type of soda. There is nothing beneficial to the human body inside a can of soda (not to mention we should avoid drinking out of aluminum cans!).

Corn Syrup 75 Corn syrup has very little nutrition and should be avoided.

Refined, Pasteurized Honey 75 The nutrition is gone, and there is often high fructose corn syrup added to processed honey. Refined pasteurized honey is no better than white table sugar.

Refined Table Sugar 80 Conventionally grown, chemically processed, and striped of all beneficial properties, many health advocates believe that refined sugar is one of the two leading causes (high fructose corn syrup is the other) of nearly every health ailment known to man (or woman or child). Not only does it have a high GI ranking, but it also is extremely acidic to the body causing calcium and other mineral depletion from bones and organs (sugar is alkaline but has a very acidic effect on the body).

High Fructose Corn Syrup 87 Many health advocates believe that high fructose corn syrup and refined sugar are the two biggest contributors to health ailments in our society. High fructose corn syrup is a combination of sucrose and fructose.

Glucose (AKA Dextrose) 100 White bread was the benchmark, but for consistency glucose now holds the rating at 100.

Maltodextrin 150 Foods that have maltodextrin often say "Low Sugar" or "Complex Carbohydrate", but this sweetener should be avoided!


  ~ To Your Health!

Low Sugar Fruits to Enjoy

I've mentioned that glucose is the choice food for cancer growth and watching our intake of glucose intense foods is critical. Spikes in blood sugar levels is what we are trying to avoid.  By combining high-fiber carbs that we eat with a protein or fat, lowers the likelihood.   (If you're craving a piece of toast, have it dipped in virgin olive oil, or topped with hummus or almond butter.)

Here is a list of fruits that are low in sugar that you can enjoy without thinking twice. Recommended 1 - 3 servings /day.


Choose fresh, ripe, organically grown fruits.  Frozen is OK when fresh is not available.


  • Apples
  • Bananas (on the green side, no brown specks on skin at all, otherwise high in sugar)
  • Berries (fresh not dried) (blackberries, blueberries, cherries, gooseberries, mulberries, raspberries, strawberries)
  • Papaya
  • Pears
  • Pineapple
  • Peaches (not over-ripe)
  • Plums
  • Rhubarb

And What About Copper?

I have to watch my intake of copper, and take 2 supplements to keep it in check. I have been advised to avoid Shellfish, Peanuts, Cashews and other copper-heavy foods. I don't use copper utensils for food.  I recently tossed out my water kettle because I realized it has a copper bottom! Every 3 -5 months I have a Ceruloplasmin blood test to check my copper level. Why? you may ask. Well, here are two sources with a little more information, and links to the full articles.

1. The Role of Copper in the Angiogenesis Process - from:

Copper is believed to be the switch that turns on the angiogenesis process in tumor cells. It has been observed that abnormally high serum copper levels are found in patients with many types of progressive tumors.

According to the University of Michigan Oncology Journal, many studies have shown copper to be an obligatory co-factor in the process of angiogenesis. Growth factors in angiogenesis require binding to copper in order to function properly. As stated in Steven Brem's research at the Moffitt Cancer Center, linked below, "copper-binding molecules [ceruloplasmin, heparin, and tripeptide glycly-histadyl-lysine] are non-angiogenic when free of copper, but they become angiogenic when bound to copper."

On January 21, 2000, the University of Michigan reported that researchers had "successfully stopped the growth and spread of cancer by depriving the tumors of the copper supply they need to form new blood vessels." Dr. George Brewer used an inexpensive compound called tetrathiomolybdate (TM) to lower the serum copper levels in patients with cancer.

This study was done with a group of 18 patients in hospice with 11 different types of metastatic cancer. The goal of the study was to reduce ceruloplasmin to 20% of baseline for at least 90 days. The treatment achieved this goal in 6 patients, and 5 of those patients have seen no tumor growth or new tumors for more than 2 years. The other 12 patients could not achieve the target copper levels, suggesting that it can take more than a month to reduce copper levels to target, during which time the cancer may progress rapidly." -  Read full article here.

2. What is the evidence?  -  from :

Copper is a trace mineral that is needed for many important body processes. Animal studies have shown that copper is useful in maintaining antioxidant defenses. Antioxidants block the actions of free radicals, which are activated oxygen molecules that can damage cells. While the role of copper in the cancer process is still unclear, copper complexes have been shown to have anti-cancer properties in laboratory studies.

Other laboratory and animal studies suggest that high copper levels may be linked to liver cancer and brain tumors. More recently, many studies have shown that patients' blood copper levels are higher in several types of cancer and other diseases. To add to the confusion, blood tests can show high copper levels even when there is little copper in the tissues. These high copper levels may be due to injury, disease, or inflammation. Because copper levels in the blood do not always reflect nutritional status, it's hard to design or find good studies of copper.

Copper is needed to form new blood vessels, and because cancer needs new blood vessels in order to grow, some researchers are lowering copper levels to see if it will help slow tumor growth. In effect the researchers are trying to use low copper levels to starve the tumor of nutrients by keeping it from building new blood vessels (anti-angiogenesis). One group of researchers looked at whether a copper-lowering drug, tetrathiomolybdate (or TM), could help patients with advanced kidney cancer. Some patients' cancer stopped growing during the 6-month treatment period. A few people had low white blood counts during treatment, requiring that treatment be stopped until they recovered. This was a small study, and further research is needed to find out whether copper can help more people with advanced cancer -  Read the full article here.

~ Be Well!

Lower Blood Sugar with These Foods

Elevated blood sugar levels are associated with inflammation, tumor proliferation, decrease in immune function, and angiogenesis.

Angiogenesis plays a critical role in the growth and spread of cancer. A blood supply is necessary for tumors to grow beyond a few millimeters in size. Tumors can cause this blood supply to form by giving off chemical signals that stimulate angiogenesis.

Thankfully, there are many foods that help lower our blood sugar.  There are also tactics you can use to keep your blood sugar in check:

1. Avoid refined, low fiber carbs and sweets

2. Choose whole grain foods that offer more than 1-gram of fiber for every 10-grams of Carbs (the Good Carb Formula.)

3. Avoid eating carbs alone especially on an empty stomach! Add a protein or healthy fat to balance blood sugar (almond butter, coconut oil, sardines, light meat tuna, almond cream cheese,etc.)

Eat more of these. . .

  • Apples, Red with Peel
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • avocadoAvocados
  • Barley
  • Black Beans
  • Blueberries
  • Chamomile tea
  • Chard
  • Cherries
  • Cinnamoncinnamon
  • Flax-seed Meal
  • Garlic
  • Goji Berries
  • Green tea
  • Leeks
  • Lemon
  • Parsley
  • Nuts
  • Oat Bran
  • Olive oilraspberry
  • Onions
  • Raspberries
  • Seeds
  • Sweet potato
  • Yams

~ Cheers!

PowerUp Cereal n Berry Breakfast, Good Carb Formula

Good morning! This is a lazy day I can tell. Sleep played hide-n-seek with me last night, so feeling mellow.

I poured 1/2 c. of high fiber cereal into a bowl, sliced organic strawberries, chopped a two inch strip of organic lemon rind and tossed it in, poured almond milk over all and then sprinkled freshly ground flax-seeds to top it off.

That is a bowl full of nature's magic!... high fiber, healthy fat from flax seeds and more fiber, super anti-oxidant berries and lemon peel, and healthy fat in almond milk.

Note: When you shop for cereal make sure it has less than 4g of sugar per serving.  Also, it's critical that you calculate the Fiber to Carb ratio. You don't want to spike your blood sugar...that's the critical consideration when eating carbs.

Good carb formula: Multiply the fiber by 10.  It should exceed the carb count.  For example Trader Joe's High Fiber Cereal (that's what it's called!)  has 23g of carbs and 9g of fiber per serving.  That means the ratio is  (9x10 to 23) 90 fiber to 23 carb! An excellent choice.

If it had 3g of fiber the ratio would have been 30 fiber- 23 carb, kinda ok but not so great.

~ PowerUp!

Breast Cancer Diet - Do's and Dont's

The following is a preview of the recommended diet for people who are currently overcoming breast cancer, or who are survivors and wish to stay cancer free.  This is based on the suggested diet I received from the integrative therapy professionals I discussed in 'My Journey Part I' post under “About”.
I feel it is important to think of our diet as a treatment, just as you would chemotherapy or any other therapy...don't tamper with foods on the No list, don't think it's OK to cheat for a day or two. Think of this as your long term cure.  So, give it respect and it may give you life!
That's my intuitive understanding of our mind-body work.  What you wholeheartedly believe, your mind will believe, and it will work to bring that belief into reality. If your mind-body feel you lack faith in what you're doing or thinking, you lose the majority of the beneficial effect, if not all.
After a couple of weeks it will become easier to stop thinking about missing this or that food. Think of cravings as your old ignorant cells talking.  If you have or had cancer treatments, your body is transforming.  Many cells that were part of your body have been shed, and you are creating fresh, un-programmed ones as you move towards new health.
I feel we are reinventing ourselves on more than one level during a healing process.  And wouldn't it be interesting if that's the role of cancer in our lives? By creating a fresh new cellular structure, it enables us to let go of old habits and beliefs that were programmed in them, and pushes us to new heights and depths of understanding...and challenge us to stay there!
I know my thinking has undergone a shift, and my body and the way I think of it sure have as well.
Below is a starter list of Yes and No foods for breast/prostate cancer.  If you'd like a comprehensive list with menu ideas, please write to me.

YES Foods:

  • All Vegetables except white potatoes: every color, raw or lightly cooked
  • Legumes/Beans: garbanzo, adzuki, black, lentil, kidney, lima beans, green beans...
  • Whole grains: barley, oats, rye, whole wheat...
  • Animal Protein: Omega 3 organic eggs, 4 oz. organic white meat chicken, 3 oz. grass-fed beef, all wild-caught cold water fish, very little organic butter (not heated)
  • Dairy substitutes: Almond or Rice milk, soy milk in moderation (especially if you have estrogen based cancer)
  • Spices: all of them
  • Nuts/Seeds: All except peanuts and cashews.  Make sure you only buy dry-roasted nuts

NO Foods:

  • All Dairy except Whey protein
  • Non organic vegetables and fruits
  • Processed foods
  • Sweeteners: Sugar, artificial sweeteners, honey, agave..
  • Simple carbs: white flour, rice flour, white potatoes, starchy food, rice, cornmeal (unless mixed with high fiber flour for baking), most boxed cereals (choose low sugar, high fiber)
  • Beverages: sweetened drinks, drinks with food coloring, caffeinated beverages (teas are an exception)
  • Fried foods
~ Get creative!

Cinnamon - The King of Antioxidants

Cinnamon has the highestanti-oxidant strength of all the food sources in nature!

1/4 tsp. of Cinnamon provides 1/4 of the antioxidants you need in a day.

Although there are four main varieties of cinnamon, Ceylon cinnamon and Cassia cinnamon are the most popular.  Ceylon cinnamon is sometimes called true cinnamon. It is more expensive and has a sweet taste. Ceylon cinnamon is sold in specialty stores.  Most cinnamon sold in supermarkets in North America comes from the less expensive variety, Cassia cinnamon.

In traditional Chinese medicine, Cassia cinnamon is used for colds, flatulence, nausea, diarrhea, and painful menstrual periods. It's also believed to improve energy, vitality, and circulation and be particularly useful for people who tend to feel hot in their upper body but have cold feet.

In Ayurveda, cinnamon is used as a remedy for diabetes, indigestion, and colds, and it is often recommended for people with the kapha Ayurvedic type.

  • The active compounds in cinnamon are known to have anti-diabetic, anti-septic, local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Cinnamaldehyde in cinnamon-sticks has been found to have anti-clotting action, and may help prevent stroke and coronary artery disease.
  • This spice may increase the motility of the intestinal tract.
  • It contains  vitamin A, niacin, pantothenic acid, and pyridoxine.
  • Cinnamon is an excellent source of flavonoid phenolic anti-oxidants.

Cinnamon may help or treat:

  • Type II Diabetes
  • Heart Disease
  • Ulcers
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Stroke
  • Polycystic ovarian Syndrome
  • Yeast infections
  • Food Poisoning

Sprinkle on toast, cereal, soups, and berries. Add to stews and rice dishes.

~ Tastefully yours ♥

5 Things You Can Do Now to Improve Your Health

Many illnesses, including many cancers, cannot thrive in an alkaline environment. The American diet is extremely acidic...commercially raised red meat, coffee, sugar, fried foods and simple carbs... those make up the overwhelming majority of what we eat.

The components of what you put in your mouth and on your skin has to processed by your liver. This much abused organ is already working overtime to rid your body of toxins that you breathe and get on your skin ...household cleaners, register tape, etc..

FYI - 40 percent of cash register receipts printed on heat-activated paper have been found to contain the dangerous chemical Bisphenol A (BPA)!

I'm going to take just one from a very long list of dubious ingredients that we are commonly used in lotions, deodorants and makeup, namely: castor oil.

Castor oil and its derivatives are used in the manufacturing of soaps, lubricants, hydraulic and brake fluids, paints, dyes, coatings, inks, cold resistant plastics, waxes and polishes, nylon, pharmaceuticals and perfumes.

The castor seed contains ricin, a toxic protein.  Allergenic compounds found on the plant surface can cause permanent nerve damage, making the harvest of castor beans a human health risk. India, Brazil, and China are the major crop producers, and the workers suffer harmful side effects from working with these plants.

This is ONE of many, many ingredients we don't take the time to research, trusting that no company would manufacture and sell a product that contained toxins.  I wish that were so.

Parabens are another ugly story.  Parabens are a group of compounds widely used as antimicrobial preservatives in food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products, including deodorants. Parabens are absorbed through intact skin and from the gastrointestinal tract and blood.

"Measurable concentrations of six different parabens have been identified in biopsy samples from breast tumors (Darbre, 2004). The particular parabens were found in relative concentrations that closely parallel their use in the synthesis of cosmetic products. They increase the expression of many genes that are usually regulated by estradiol and cause human breast tumor cells to grow and proliferate in vitro."

  • Has anyone blown the whistle on cosmetic manufacturers?
  • Do you still believe some government agency is really looking out for our health?

So on top of the hundreds of chemical substances our liver has to deal with, we pile on sugar (a toxin itself) and artificial sweeteners and hormone-filled animal protein, and preservatives.

We neglect the care this vital organ needs until it causes us pain or gets sluggish enough to cause alarming symptoms. Please don't wait that long.

Here are the 5 things you can do today to improve your health;

1) Eat Organic

2) Cut out sugar and white flour

3) Refuse to use products with ingredients you can't pronounce or don't recognize

4) Squeeze lemon juice in every glass of water you drink (lemons alkaline our bodies, making them inhospitable to most disease

5) Choose wild-caught, cold water fish (never farm raised) or organic free-range chicken as your animal protein of choice.

~ Be Well.

Health and Wellness, and Preventing Disease

Maintaining health and wellness and preventing disease are major priorities for integrative medicine. Currently, the majority of our health care dollars are spent after a person is in crisis, when it costs the most to intervene and when the possibilities for full recovery are the slimmest. A recent study found that of the 7 million deaths from cancer worldwide in 2001, an estimated 35% were attributable to nine modifiable risks factors, all of which are controllable and most of which are under an individual’s own sovereignty.

Based on this and other scientific evidence, integrative medicine recommends lifestyle modifications—changes in diet and nutrition, physical activity and exercise, adopting stress management methods, and strengthening one’s social networks—to lower an individual’s risk of specific diseases and improve overall health.

The Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito, California, under the leadership of Dean Ornish, MD, offers a comprehensive approach to lifestyle modification for people who are at high risk for or diagnosed with conditions such as coronary artery disease and prostate cancer. The program’s core components are a low-fat, whole foods diet; moderate aerobic exercise; stress management; and group support. This program, which has been approved by Medicare, is used in hospitals and clinics around the country.

Because the food we eat plays such an important role in maintaining health, nutrition has been a key focus for research—not only what to eat but also how to grow and buy the right food and how to prepare it in a healthful way.

“As a rule of thumb, try to include foods in your diet that have less than three grams of fat per serving. Stock foods in your refrigerator that you want to have on your diet. If it’s not right in front of you, you’re less likely to eat it. Cleaning out your refrigerator can be a nice metaphor for cleaning out your body and organizing your life in the way that you want it to be,” advises Dean Ornish, MD.

“Even simple choices can make a powerful difference. For example, two tablespoons of most salad dressings have as much fat as two scoops of premium ice cream. When in a restaurant, ask for the dressing on the side; just dip the tips of your fork in it with each bite, and you’ll get a fraction of the fat that you would otherwise.”


Forward-thinking hospitals have now begun to promote healthy food. Kaiser Permanente, the nation’s largest nonprofit health plan, opened its first farmer’s market on the grounds of the Oakland Medical Center in Oakland, California in May 2003. Today, a total of 26 Kaiser-Permanente facilities have established on-campus farmer’s markets, which enable the facilities to offer better food choices to both employees and patients and promote awareness about good nutrition.

These and other integrative approaches to maintaining a healthy lifestyle may prevent serious illness and challenging medical treatments. In his book, 8 Weeks to Optimal Health, Andrew Weil, MD wrote, “Many of the common complaints that people have these days respond much better to simple adjustments in lifestyle than to taking medicine.”

Read more here.

Baked Salmon, Veggies and Hummus

I enjoy mixing cuisines and this plate is certainly an example: Wild Caught Salmon broiled over mixed veggies (you only need 3-4 oz. of protein per meal), and Authentic Homemade Hummus.  Add a smattering of organic Persian Cucumbers and a slice of high fiber Flax-seed bread for an amazingly wholesome meal.

Salmon Bake.JPG

~ Sahtein! (To your health) ♥

Egg, Veggie and Complex Carb Breakfast

Breakfast idea 1

Egg n Veggie

Here is an example of a healthy and tasty breakfast that follows the breast cancer diet guidelines: no dairy, no sugar, no simple carbohydrates and healthy omega3 fats.  Aim to make 1/2 your plate full of color (veggies), 1/4 protein and 1/4 complex carb.

Spinach cooked with a smattering of onions and seasoned with black pepper, salt, a touch of allspice and dry mint. I sprinkle probiotics on two of my meals to get 1/4 tsp a day.  Our tummy needs help processing foods properly many months after treatment.

Sprinkle a little black pepper or squeeze lemon in your green tea (4 -5 cups a day) to explode the antioxidant benefits! Also, freshly ground flax seeds sprinkled on your cereal or on foods is highly beneficial... per our list of Fantastic Foods.

Coconut oil has become my bread spread of choice.  Recent studies are astounding on the benefits of coconut oil.  Click here for more info.

~ Bon Appetit!

Stop Sugar Cravings with These Two Trace Minerals!

A friend of mine sent me the link to this website, where I found this wonderful tip for curbing sugar cravings. 

Even though I am 'sugar-free', I still get a craving for chocolate or something sweet now and then, and have to whip up something healthy to satisfy it... berry compote with Xylitol, or flax-seed pancakes with cinnamon/Stevia topping.I am only addressing the symptom and not the cause!

Stop Sugar Cravings with These Two Trace Minerals

by: Danica Collins

stop sugar cravings

If you frequently crave candy bars, doughnuts, cake, or other sugary foods — and you thought your cravings were just something you were born with, or a condition to which you are naturally or genetically predisposed, there is hard scientific evidence that suggests how you can stop sugar cravings.

There is a condition called pica, which triggers the cravings — and it is caused by mineral deficiencies.

An example of pica in the animal world is seen in young calves that are raised for veal. These calves are deficient in iron. They are put into cages soon after birth and purposely fed a diet that is iron-poor so that they grow to be anemic. Anemic calves produce the pale, tender meat that makes veal desirable to food enthusiasts. The iron-starved calves have been known to seek, lick and chew on the iron nails of their cages in an effort to satisfy their hunger for iron. (Although we do not support such cruelty to animals, this example is presented merely to illustrate the nature of pica in animals.)

In humans, an extreme example of pica is seen in pregnant women, who often crave things like ice cream or pickles, and especially non-food items like laundry starch, clay or dirt. This is because the fetus inside a pregnant woman absorbs much of the minerals from the woman’s body causing her to have a craving for something that will satisfy her mineral deficiency.

Pica has become such a common condition primarily because our demineralized soils yield mineral-poor produce. Additionally, food processing robs food of important nutrients, and this contributes to the prevalence of pica — especially among people with unbalanced diets such as dieters, vegetarians, meat eaters, teenagers, children and seniors. The cravings are a symptom of mineral deficiencies in the diet.

How to stop sugar cravings with minerals

When you crave sweets, eating highly sweetened food such as doughnuts and chocolates may temporarily satisfy your sugar cravings — but it does very little to alleviate the mineral deficiency, which is the underlying cause of the cravings. Studies show that sugar cravings are linked to a deficiency in the trace minerals, chromium and vanadium.

It is scientifically proven that both chromium and vanadium help in normalizing blood sugar. Both trace minerals have been shown to be essential for normal glucose metabolism. This is the reason why they have also been used to prevent and cure diabetes (high blood sugar) and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).

A chromium deficiency has been shown to not only cause cravings for sugars or starches, but also contribute to poor muscle tone, which makes weight loss even more difficult. To help curb sugar cravings, many health practitioners prescribe a daily intake of both chromium and vanadium, preferably taken in ionic/water-soluble form for maximum absorption. Many health food stores carry ionic minerals. You can also type the keyword “ionic minerals” on any search engine to find online retailers, such as the WaterOz company, which manufactures high quality chromium and vanadium formulations.

Chocolate cravings, in particular, are curbed by magnesium supplementation. Magnesium is also contained in commercially available ionic/water-soluble mineral formulations.

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