Crock pot Chicken, Italian Style

This is one of our family's favorite crock pot meals. You may either cook this in a crock-pot or a large pot on the stove, depending on availability of equipment and time.

Crock Pot Chicken, Italian Style

This dish is abundant in lycopene, and onions are a major source of a Quercetin, a super-antioxidant. Similar to garlic, onions and shallots seem to be most helpful in cancers of the digestive tract (e.g. esophagus, stomach, and colon). Bell Peppers offer the antioxidant beta carotene.

Thyme It is an excellent source of iron and manganese and Thymol has been found to protect and significantly increase the percentage of healthy fats found in cell membranes and other cell structures.

  • 1 large organic Red Onion, cut into 8 pieces

  • 1 large organic Yellow or Red Bell Pepper, cut into 8 pieces

  • 2 tsp. fresh organic Thyme leaves (1 tsp. dry)

  • 6- 2" long fresh Sage leaves (1 tsp. dry)

  • A handful of baby Bok Choy or Spinach leaves

  • 1 tsp. organic Oregano

  • 4 organic, free-range Chicken Thighs

  • 2 organic, free-range Chicken Breasts, cut in half (to make 4 pieces)

  • 1 shallot, diced (1 Tbs.)

  • 2 cups homemade or jarred organic Marinara Sauce

  • 1 tsp. Sea Salt

  • 1 tsp. Black Pepper

  • Pinch of Cayenne Pepper (opt)

Place half the onions, peppers and herbs in the bottom of the pot.

Add half the chicken, then the rest of the onions, peppers, herbs and the rest of chicken.  Sprinkle shallot and seasoning on top.

Pour sauce over chicken, nudging pieces with a spoon to allow the sauce to make its way to the bottom.

Crock Pot: Cover and place on High.  Time for 3 1/2 hours.

Stove Top: Add 1/2 c. of water to chicken, and place on medium high until sauce begins to bubble.  Turn to medium low, cover and cook for 1 hour. Check at 30 minutes, gently stirring to make sure chicken is covered with sauce.
~ Sahtein! (double health) ♥

Serve with baked sweet potatoes and a fresh mixed green salad for a delightful meal.

Vegan Eggplant and Spicy Chopped Salad Sandwich

Eggplant - Mushroom Medley

I love this concoction because it goes well on lupin flour pasta, on a GF cracker or as a dip.

  • 1 med. organic white Onion, chopped

  • 1 med. Eggplant, mostly peeled and diced

  • 5 organic Mushrooms, peeled and chopped

  • 1 organic Tomato, chopped

  • 1 c. chopped Parsley

  • 1 Tbs. organic Tomato  Paste mixed with 1/2 c. hot water

  • 1 tsp. Pink Sea Salt, or to taste

  • 1/2 tsp. Black Pepper

  • 1/2 tsp. Cayenne Pepper (opt.)

  • 5 cloves of Garlic, chopped

  • 1 Tbs. e.v. Olive Oil

Place onion in a large saucepan over medium heat, no oil.  Watch the onion, stirring until it begins to turn brown.

Add eggplant and mushrooms and cover, turn to medium low, and stir every 2 minutes, until eggplant is wilted.

Add tomato and parsley. Stir, cover and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.

Add the diluted tomato paste, seasoning and garlic, turn heat to medium, and cook uncovered for another 10 minutes, or until veggies are cooked through and water is absorbed.

You may drizzle with of olive oil once you remove from heat.  This dish is good warm or cold.

Spicy Chopped Salad

  • 1/2 bunch organic Parsley, chopped

  • 1/2 bunch organic Cilantro, chopped

  • 1 small white Onion, diced

  • 1 organic Tomato, chopped

  • 1/2 organic Jalapeno pepper, minced

  • 1 Tbs. fresh Lime juice

  • 2 tsp. fresh Lemon juice

  • 1/2 tsp. Pink Sea Salt

  • 1 Tbs. virgin Olive Oil

Mix it all up!

Serve as a topping for stews, sandwiches or as a fresh dip with toasted GF bread.

Assemble Sandwich

  • Vegenaise (opt.)

  • 1 Tbs. organic Tomato Paste

  • GF, high-fiber Bread or WASA Rye cracker

Spread a slice or bread or a cracker with tomato paste and the other slice or cracker with Vegenaise.

Spread some of the Eggplant Medley over the tomato paste. Then top with Spicy Salad.

eggplant sandw3

(You may add a protein if you like).

Cover with other slice, press down, and munch!

Hello Brussels. Why so Bitter?

The Case of the  Brussels Sprout

This is not the story of a boy from Brussels and how he wound up in Court....

This is the story of a Sprout accused of being bitter and unfriendly.  The first mention of this sprout is traced to the late 16th century. It is thought to be native to Belgium, specifically to a region near Brussels, after which it was named.

This Sprout is a member of the Brassica family and therefore related to Broccoli and Cabbage. Don't be fooled by its size however! Watch what you say because a Sprout grows up with a bunch of 20 to 40 other Sprouts, on the stem of a plant that grows as high as three feet tall!

These miniature-sized vegetables contain the largest content of anticancer phytochemical compounds such as glucosinolates. Like broccoli, the indole-3-carbinol has been found to reduce cancer growth especially for estrogen dependent cancers (e.g. uterine, breast, cervical).

brussel sprouts

In order to plead the case for this Sprout I lay before you the following:

Character Traits *

  • Brussels sprouts can help us avoid chronic, excessive inflammation

  • You'll find nearly 100 studies in PubMed (the health research database at the National Library of Medicine in Washington, D.C.) that are focused on Brussels sprouts, and over half of those studies involve the health benefits of this cruciferous vegetable in relationship to cancer

  • They provide us with this cholesterol-lowering benefit whether they are raw or cooked. When the cholesterol-lowering ability of steamed Brussels sprouts was compared with the cholesterol-lowering ability of the prescription drug cholestyramine, Brussels sprouts bound 27% as many bile acids

  • The fiber content of Brussels sprouts: 4 grams in every cup makes this cruciferous vegetable a natural choice for digestive system support.

  • The detox support provided by Brussels sprouts is extensive. There is evidence from human studies that enzyme systems in our cells required for detoxification of cancer-causing substances can be activated by compounds found in Brussels sprouts.

* 11 Health Benefits of Brussels Sprouts

It Takes Proper Cooking to Bring Out the Sprout's Goodness!

Perfectly cooked Brussels sprouts have a crisp, dense texture and a slightly sweet, bright, and "green" taste. Steaming the Sprouts increases their health benefit potency.

Steam them

Bring a scant 1/2 inch salted water to boil in a large frying pan or saute pan. Add Brussels sprouts, cover, and cook until sprouts are tender to the bite and water has evaporated, about 5-7 minutes (depending on how crisp you like them).

In a Steamer Basket:  Bring about an inch of water to a boil in the bottom of a pot into which your steamer basket or insert fits. Put cleaned Brussels sprouts in the steamer basket, set over the boiling water, cover, and steam until tender to the bite, about 5-7 minutes.

You can toss them with Olive or Coconut Oil, salt and pepper; garlic and lemon; or with Pasta Sauce!

Roast them

brussel-sprouts, roaste

  • 1 1/2 lbs. organic Brussels sprouts, ends trimmed and yellow leaves discarded

  • 2 Tbs. virgin Olive Oil

  • 1 tsp. Sea Salt

  • 1/2 tsp. freshly ground Black Pepper

  • 1 tsp. Paprika

  • 1/2 tsp. organic Garlic Powder or 2 cloves well mashed

  • 4 Tbs. lemon juice

Rinse Sprouts trim off ends and place in a large bowl. Blend the spices together with the oil and lemon. Pour this over the sprouts and toss until well coated.

Place in oven proof dish or cookie sheet lined with parchment, and roast at 400ºF for 35 minutes or until lightly golden.

Braise them

Braising, or slow cooking in liquid on the stove, is a great way to elicit Brussels sprouts' natural, nutty flavor.

Sun, Sunscreen and Your Skin - the Low Down

Every year the Environmental Working Group (EWG) releases their annual guide to sunscreens,1 and this year's data again shows that you must be very cautious when choosing sunscreen to apply to your skin.


1. Oxybenzone This is one of the most troublesome ingredients found in the majority of sunscreens.Oxybenzone is believed to cause hormone disruptions and cell damage that may provoke cancer.

2. Retinyl Palmitate (Vitamin A palmitate) Sunscreen products may actually increase the speed at which malignant cells develop and spread skin cancer because they contain vitamin A and its derivatives, retinol, and retinyl palmitate.

3. Fragrance Beware of products that contain synthetic fragrance, as this term describes any number of harmful chemicals that do not have to be listed individually on the label.


  • Avoid Spray Sunscreens
  • Protects Against Both UVA and UVB Rays: SPF only protects against UVB rays, which are the rays within the ultraviolet spectrum that allow your body to produce vitamin D in your skin.  But the most dangerous rays are the UVA rays. Make sure your sunscreen protects against both.
  • Avoid Sunscreen Towelettes or Powders: Dubious protection
  • Avoid Spray Sunscreens: Contain toxic particles that can be inhaled

Does Your Sunscreen Offer UVA Protection?

Even a sunscreen that claims to be "broad spectrum" may not provide adequate UVA protection. As EWG reported:5

"After a 34-year process of reviewing sunscreen safety and efficacy, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has implemented enforceable rules on sunscreen marketing and UVA protection. The FDA allows American sunscreen makers to claim their products are 'broad spectrum,' even though many offer much poorer UVA protection than sunscreens sold in other countries.

Based on the products in our 2014 database, EWG estimates that about half of all beach and sport sunscreens could not be sold in Europe because they provide inadequate UVA protection."

So, look for a sunscreen that contains the minerals zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.

Use Sunscreen When Absolutely Necessary

If you work in the outdoors, are planning a trip outdoors, or if you need to protect sensitive areas of your face (like around your eyes), safe sunscreen is certainly recommended. But if you apply sunscreen every time you're out in the sun, you'll block your body's ability to produce vitamin D.

Optimizing your vitamin D levels may reduce your risk of as many as 16 different types of cancer, including pancreatic, lung, ovarian, breast, prostate, and skin cancers.

Studies show melanoma mortality actually decreases after UV exposure. Moderate exposure to sunlight, particularly UVB, is protective against melanoma (the deadliest form of skin cancer) due to the vitamin D your body produces.

>>  That being said, you NEVER want to BURN!

5 Top Sunshine Tips

Spend some time outdoors in the sun regularly, but do so with some commonsense precautions:

  • Expose your skin to sunlight for short periods daily
  • If you're in the sun for longer periods, cover up with clothing, a hat or shade
  • Shield your face from the sun daily using a safe sunscreen or a hat.
  • Consider the use of an "internal sunscreen" like astaxanthin to offer additional protection.
  • Consume a healthy diet full of natural antioxidants. Fresh, raw, unprocessed foods deliver the nutrients that your body needs to maintain a healthy balance of omega-6 and omega-3 oils in your skin, which is your first line of defense against sunburn.

Thanks to Dr. Mercola for a comprehensive look at Sun, Sunscreens and Skin diseases.

Baked Southwestern Sweet Potato Cakes

Sweet potatoes are full of wonderful vitamins, are alkaline and help reduce blood sugar.

You can enjoy them several times a week cooked in various ways.  They're versatile enough to be in a stew, curry, veggie patty, served on their own, or in a dessert.

Baked Southwestern Sweet Potato Cakes

  • 2 organic Sweet Potatoes (medium-large, not small)

  • 15 oz. cooked organic Black Beans, drained

  • 2 cloves organic Garlic, minced

  • 3 organic Spring Onions, thinly sliced

  • 3 Tbs. organic Red Onion, diced

  • 2 Tbs. organic Parsley, chopped

  • 2 Tbs. organic Cilantro, chopped

  • 1 tsp. Cayenne Pepper

  • ½ tsp. Cumin

  • ½ tsp. Chili powder

  • ½ tsp. Sea Salt

  • 1 tsp. fresh organic Thyme, minced or ¼ tsp. dry

  • 2 tsp. fresh Lime Juice

  • Avocado or Olive oil for baking sheet.

Preheat oven to 425ºF.

Steam sweet potatoes in their skin, covered, until soft. Do not boil, as they lose flavor and will be too wet. Remove potatoes from pot, peel and mash in a medium bowl.

Place 1/2 the beans in food processor and blend. Add the rest of the beans, the garlic, onions, parsley, cilantro, and spices and lime. Stir by hand to combine.

Form mixture into 8 patties, just under 1/2" thick.

Southwestern Style Sweet Potato Cakes 1

Place patties on oiled baking sheet. Brush tops lightly with olive oil. Bake for 12 minutes, flip carefully and bake for another 10 minutes, or until browned.

Southwestern Style Sweet Potato Cakes 3

Serve topped with a fresh salsa (tomatoes, onions, cilantro, cucumber, lime or lemon juice and 2 Tbs. plain almond or coconut yogurt), or enjoy in a high-fiber gluten-free bun with condiments.

~ Cheers! ♥

Broccoli-Carrot Slaw

Broccoli - Carrot Slaw

Lemon juice dresses one of my all-time favorite salads that I invented to get the kids to eat Broccoli! It also gets apple cider vinegar in their diet (wonderful health benefits).

Broccoli_Carrot Slaw


  • 6 c. organic Broccoli Slaw, or 4 cups chopped up organic Broccoli and 2 c. shredded carrots

  • 1 c. organic Parsley, finely chopped


  • 2 medium organic Garlic cloves, mashed in mortar and pestle with 1/2 tsp. Pink Sea Salt

  • 4 Tbs. Vegenaise

  • 1-1/2 Tbs. Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar

  • 1 Tbs. Lemon Juice

  • 1/4 tsp. Black Pepper

  • 1/2 tsp. Celery Seed (or you can add 1/2 c. fresh Celery, chopped

Combine veggies in a large bowl. 

In a small bowl whisk dressing ingredients until well combined. Taste and adjust seasoning. Pour over veggies and toss to coat.

Note:  This is a light dressing, not meant to look like the thicker Slaw dressing we're used to. ~ Bon Apetit! ♥

Powerful Food Synergies - Print the List!

Some food combinations amplify each others' nutritional benefits to such an extent, that together they become super powerful healers.  

Below are notable food synergies that can help you plan meals that will boost your family's health.

  1. Green Tea + Blk Pepper + Lemon - increases ECGC absorption

  2. Turmeric + Black Pepper - increases absorption by 2000%!

  3. Cooked Tomatoes + Olive oil - fat helps nutrient absorption

  4. Tomatoes + Avocado - absorb 7x more lycopene

  5. Broccoli + Tomatoes - prostate cancer prevention

  6. Raspberries + Dark Chocolate - loosens clumpy blood platelets (dark chocolate also boosts blood flow to the brain)

  7. Spinach + Lemon - increases absorption of iron

  8. Grass-fed Red Meat + Rosemary - reduces carcinogens formed when grilling meat

  9. Cold Water Fish and Broccoli - cancer protecion (fish like Salmon, are rich in thyroid-protecting, cancer-fighting mineral selenium. Paired with broccoli, rich in sulforaphane, it is 13 times as potent)

  10. Red Wine + Almonds -heart healthy

  11. Fermented Foods* + Whatever! - tons of probiotics; helps with sugar cravings

* Top 7 Fermented Foods:

  1. Tempeh

  2. Miso

  3. Sauerkraut

  4. Kombucha

  5. Coconut Yogurt

  6. Sour Pickles

  7. Kimchi

Note:  Foods with high quantities of unsaturated fats, such as nuts, have high amounts of compounds with antioxidant properties, which protect against the instability of these fats.

However, store nuts and seeds in the refrigerator if you won't be using them within 2 weeks of purchase, since they can go rancid.

~ Be Well! ♥

Gwen's Story... Don't Let it be Yours

While she prepared the tubes for my blood draw, we chatted easily. Over the last 2 years Gwen and I had become fond of each other. She was complaining again about her constant body pain and digestion, and how the stress of working at the lab was becoming almost too much to handle.

Gwen is about 45, divorced, overweight and due to childhood and young adult experiences, doesn’t believe she deserves good things to happen to her. We’ve all met people like Gwen; their families aren’t what they would have wished for and life traumas left imprints that are difficult to overcome. Gwen has a lovely person with a sweet smile. She has a sense of humor that she hides behind. I like her very much.

Leap of Faith

I decided to take a leap of faith that she brought up her situation again as a subtle request for help. She knew I consulted with several prominent integrative doctors, and was always curious about what I learned. I asked if she would please try to cut back on sugar and carby foods from her diet for just 2 weeks. I asked what vegetables she liked, and she laughed knowing I was going to disapprove of her answer.. “Lettuce?” she offered.

“And…?” I wasn’t going to be put off by her attempt at diverting me with humor.

“Well, I don’t know.. carrots?”

“Are you serious?” I teased, “First of all you’re asking me.. instead of telling me, so I don’t think you know what a vegetable is!”

Gwen laughed again, ”Well they don’t all taste great.”

“Some phlebotomist!” I teased.

A Serious Chat

When she was completed the draw, I spoke to her about the dangers of chronic inflammation. I said I would come back in a couple of days with a biophotonic antioxidant scanner which I borrow from a doctor-friend, to test her. I added that if she wanted me to try to help her, I would need a promise that she would follow what I suggested… else there would be no point in trying.

She smiled at me with an intense expression in her eyes that told me no one had offered to help her before. but she was also looked scared to know what may be going on with her health.

“Ok. so here’s the deal. I will try to come here after work two days a week, and we’ll go for a 20 minute walk on your break as a start. Can you do that?”

She said it would depend on how many patients they had and how many other staff were around, to call first.

Two days later, I showed up with the scanner. Two of Gwen’s colleagues wanted to get scanned as well. Their results were borderline. Needless to say, Gwen’s result was very bad. Her immune system was overtaxed and weak.

“Did I flunk?” she asked jokingly.

I felt compelled to be straight with her. “Your score is not ok, but we knew it wasn’t going to be. You’ve got to start eating well, and I think you may want to take strong antioxidants to help your body fight whatever is going on. I’m not joking, Gwen, you are very vulnerable, and the aches and pain you feel all day long are telling you things have to change.”

She looked at me quietly and nodded.

“So when people bring donuts and bagels here, you need to have food you bring from home so you’re not tempted. We’re going to consider junk food as poison.”

“What would I bring?” she asked me with a blank look.

“Berries, a hard boiled egg, a gluten-free slice of healthy bread with hummus or a salad. Go to my website and browse around. Make only from those recipes… and let’s see what happens in a couple of weeks.

The Next Few Weeks

We never did walk, because either my work or hers got in the way. But she told me she was taking occasional walks with a neighbor friend. I dropped by once for fun, and someone had bought donuts! She immediately shouted, “Not me! I didn’t touch them!”

I texted her a couple of times during the next few weeks to see how things were going. She wasn’t very forthcoming with details… but I didn’t want to push. I knew that for Gwen, eating was part of her emotional world. I went through that after my sister, and then my brother-in-law passed barely 24 months apart. I gained almost 20 lbs that I wasn’t able to shed until I had to. Cutting out sugar and simple carbs was all I had to do.

Food and Emotions

It's not news to anyone that when we feel lonely, and unloved or unlovable, food is a source of solace. And not just any food, but foods that give us the necessary blood sugar high. So we gravitate to baked goods, cookies and sweets or rich foods. And after we’ve indulged we either feel bad, or convince ourselves no harm done.

We might think, “Well, I’m already too heavy, half a pound more or less isn’t going to make a difference.” But half a pound more every week or two does make a difference.

I had low back pain, I hated that when I sat down I had two rolls of fat around my waist. When I was dating, I would wear tops that hid my mid-section… and yet, I didn’t take massive action.

Funny thing is that I was aware of proper nutrition and healthy foods. I am a chef after all, and fed my children well-rounded meals and very little junk. So I hardly ever ate fried or creamy foods, or too many sweets.. but bread, cheese and rice were part of every day’s fare. And even though accompanied by many vegetables and salads, they have their effect.

Gwen had larger emotional scars than mine, so I cut her some slack, but I knew she had to do something soon before her body gave in to whatever was brewing.

Fate Steps In

When I returned for another set of blood tests 6 months later, Valerie greeted me. “Where’s Gwen?” I asked.

“Don’t you know? She’s been out for a week.” she replied.

“No, I didn’t know! What’s up?”

“Oh, my goodness, I thought she would have called you. She fainted while on a walk, and then she had hemorrhaging so they’re doing tests.”

“You’re kidding! Gosh I sure hope she’s ok… thank you for telling me. I’ll call her this afternoon for sure.”

Valerie walked me to the cubby where she was going to draw my blood, “I wish you would. She’s not doing well.”

I felt like I let Gwen down. I had tried, but when you feel someone just can’t go it alone, and the only way they can make a drastic change is to have you there to coach and cheer them on every day, it’s hard to know what to do. At one point, I was going to offer her our garage conversion to come live in, at least for a few months while she taught herself a new way of thinking, eating and living. But there was no way she was going to leave her home, and I never brought it up. I guess I just hoped she could find the resolve to start making a change.

When she told me about some of the devastating experiences she had as a teenager and young adult, I said that I had been sent into her life for a reason then, because with the right perspective she could let go of all that pain and realize she is not the person she was then, and if it were not for this thing we call ‘memory’, she would be a shooting star! She hugged me.

Face the Truth and Make a Change

We are all a little like Gwen in some way. We all talk ourselves into accepting situations, or habits that span years as ‘normal’, and harmless. I mean, if you’ve been eating badly for 12 years and other than the weight gain, or occasional aches and pains, or headaches, or skin conditions, you’re ok.. well, what’s the problem?

We keep on trucking in the same groove until one day, like Gwen, like me, BANG! Something unexpected happens.. a lump, a fainting spell, chest pain, an abnormal blood test.

You know what many of us think in that first moment of realization? … ‘Wait, that can’t be happening to me!’

And the second thought…? ’If only I had paid more attention to blahdeeblah.’

Gwen knew things were bad. Gwen knew her body was breaking down.   Why couldn’t she, why can’t we, stop ourselves from being stuck in same pattern? Why is it necessary for so many to hit the wall before embracing behavior that is good for health and well-being? I’ve always been curious about the psychological barriers we all struggle with. When I called Gwen, do you know what the first thing she said to me was?

“I messed up. I didn’t listen to you.”

I hated hearing those words. I told her, “Yes, you did, you stubborn monkey. And I wish I could turn the clock back.”

Gwen was waiting to hear back on a number of tests. She was weak, and in bed most of the day. I asked her to start eating certain foods, and to send her daughter out to get the 3 supplements we talked about. She promised to do so. I recommended she watch happy uplifting videos, and no matter what the results were, to remember there is a world of options.

Don’t be another Gwen. Only YOU can reduce your risk and improve your health. Being 20+ lbs overweight is the gateway to a host of inflammatory diseases.

Our body can’t handle processing all the toxins we’re exposed to in the world, plus the preservatives in processed foods and personal products, plus the pesticides on non-organic produce, plus the effects of smoking or drinking alcohol or eating too many carbs. Living with environmental pollution alone overtaxes our liver and kidneys.. but pile on all that other stuff and we’ve created a recipe for disaster.

It’s a hard journey back to health once it’s lost.

We are victims of money-hungry food manufacturers that spend billions to create flavors and textures that will hook us to their nutrition-deficient products. Stand up and find your strength to resist.

If you struggle, find a friend or family member who will actively support your effort to make a change. Limit yourself to eating only foods you cook and look up recipes on this blog.

And if you like together we can devise a plan that will work for you. Contact me.

I wish you a long and healthy life.

Every Time I Hear About Someone Losing the Fight. . .

Grammy-winning disco legend Donna Summer, who steamed up the charts in the 1970s and 80s with raunchy hits like "Love to Love You Baby" and "Hot Stuff," died Thursday aged 63, her family said.

Known as the Queen of Disco, the singer whose hits also included "I Feel Love" and "She Works Hard for the Money," died in Florida from lung cancer, the TMZ celebrity news website said.

"While we grieve her passing, we are at peace celebrating her extraordinary life and her continued legacy. Words truly can't express how much we appreciate your prayers and love for our family at this sensitive time."

TMZ reported that she had kept her illness quiet, and didn't appear too sick only a couple of weeks ago, citing sources as saying she was focused on trying to finish a new album she had been working on.

It cited sources as saying Summer believed she developed lung cancer after inhaling toxic particles following the September 11, 2001 Al Qaeda attacks in New York.


I am shaken when I hear about someone who has succumbed to cancer.  My first thought is 'Were they aware of waht it takes to increase the odds of healing?

Statistics do not reflect what they’re touted to because of this very point.  No studies track what a cancer patient is doing in their home, in their mind and in their bodies.

Are they eating cancer-fighting foods? Are supporting their immune system with targeted supplements? Do they participate in a form of exercise that strengthens and moves the energy? Are they positive and determined to recapture good health? Do they surround themselves with cheerleaders and friends who lift them up? Do they live in fear or do they embrace the fact that this is as an opportunity for deep transformation?

Without this vital information, no one can claim that 60% of xyz patients live 5 years after recurrence of some cancer, and that 30% will have no recurrence, or that 46 % of breast cancers will reappear in the other breast... etc..  (Those are made-up stats for argument’s sake).

Patients must be educated about the CRITICAL importance of adding Complimentary Therapies and controlling their thoughts and outlook.

Only a couple of the allopathic doctors I worked with in the past 2 years admitted they only had ONE class in Nutrition during Med School!! I knew way more than they did on that topic.  My radiologist asked me for a list of the supplements I was taking, and what the benefit of each one was.  She was the only doc interested enough to begin to explore that area. How sad is that?

Herein lies my passion.. to get the word out, to be a resource for more information, to help others increase their quality of life and God Willing their chances of conquering their illness and keeping it at bay through proper nutrition and mind-body support.

~ Be Well. ♥

Super Duper Dill 'n' Veggie Omelet

We had a little plumbing crisis last night. J did a couple of loads of laundry, his little girl took a shower and we used bathrooms all within the same hour or so.... Yikes!  Our 35-year-old pipes couldn't handle it. While waiting for the plumber this morning, I had time to make a leisurely breakfast.

One of the classic breakfasts that is served in Lebanon is a Dill Omelet. Mom made an oven baked version that includes some flour, and was rich with dill and onions.

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Don't Wait for a 'Reason' to Pay Attention to What You're Eating

We've now learned very clearly that we can't blame our 'genes' for our current or future health.  What we are doing right now will decide our health in the next 5, 10, or 20 years. This isn't some mystical, vaguely probable statement.

What you are eating, and how you are living right now WILL determine if you live a healthy life or not... and could determine how long you live.

Growing up in a Mediterranean country influenced my eating preferences in such a way that I consumed more veggies and grains than the Average American. If there wasn't' a protein, a carb, a veggie dish and a salad at the table, my table was not complete. I did indulge in sweets, ate a lot of cheese and yogurt, and occasionally would include fried foods to my diet.

As I got older I tried to curb the sweets and fried foods.  I have never been into rigorous exercise, preferring walks and dancing. Then stress took over for a few years.  I got divorced, lost a sister to cancer, a brother in law two years later, got laid off after 14 1/2 years, and opened a Cafe in 2010 that needed my full-time presence 6 days a week.

A life lesson awaited me. I no longer have the luxury of dilly-dallying about what I should or shouldn't eat.  It's all very clear, very black and white.  I don't cheat because I can't afford to. My food, like your food, is my medicine.

Had I been on my current diet all those years, and taken the right supplements, I feel in my heart that I would have avoided this specific experience.  The lesson would have come packaged some other way.

Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for the learning and tremendous eye-opening experience. It has now given me the ability to be of service to others going through Cancer, or wanting to do whatever it takes to help prevent it. A gift.

But please don't wait to have such a reason to take a good look at what you eat, and what your diet may be doing to your body and immune system.

“The amount of antioxidants that you maintain in your body is directly proportional to how long you will live.” -  Richard Cutler M.D., Director Anti-Aging Research, National Institute of Health (NIH).

We know the things that lower our Antioxidant levels, and hence our immune system's ability to fight disease:

  1. Smoking
  2. Stress
  3. Foods high in fat
  4. All simple carbs (flour, sugar, white potatoes, etc..)
  5. Inflammation
  6. Exercise (you need more antioxidants than the average person if you exercise regularly)

7. Exposure to toxins

“Scientists now believe that free radicals are causal factors in nearly every known disease, from heart disease to arthritis to cancer to cataracts.  In fact, free radicals are a major culprit in the aging process itself.  By controlling free radicals, antioxidants can make the difference between life and death, as well as influence how fast and how well we age.”- Lester Packer, Ph. D.- Head of the Packer labs at the University of California at Berkeley.  Dr. Packer, author of The Antioxidant Miracle, is regarded as the world’s foremost antioxidant research scientist.

If you are not including 6 - 7 servings of a large variety of organic high-antioxidant fruits and vegetables in your daily diet, limiting fats and protein, and avoiding simple carbs entirely, you are not reaching the optimal disease prevention state of health.

This may sound like a tall order, and because I know there may be days when I may not reach my goal, I take bio-available, pharmaceutical grade supplements that support my antioxidant and essential vitamin levels. 

There was a time when humans ate to live. Those days are gone for most of us. Unfortunately, we've taken the 'eating for pleasure' too far. We are now surrounded by foods and food products that have very little to do with nutrition and good health. We are lured to create recipes that tantalize our taste buds and deal our bodies bolts of stress and inflammation.

Sugar, cream, butter, white flour, vegetable oils, frying, meats, canned foods, preservatives, food coloring... all stress the body, all lower antioxidant levels.

“Antioxidants can cut your risk of heart disease up to 70%, diabetes 40%, lung cancer 30%, and breast cancer 20% studies show. Many leading authorities now urge all adults to take a daily supplement."  USA Today, January 18th, 2004.

Don't wait for symptoms to make a change, don't wait for a call from your doctor with test results, make the choice to eat your way to good health now.

I live what I preach

Please make the decision to start the path to optimal health today.  This website is dedicated to helping you do so. Every recipe here follows the optimal disease prevention diet.

If you decide you need help of any kind, contact me. Whether it's meal planning, supplement questions or recipe requests!

Is your good health worth the sacrifice of convenience, habit and indulgence?


Dark Chocolate Black Bean Bars

  • 3/4 c. cold-pressed Coconut Oil

  • 5 oz. 85% organic Dark Chocolate, broken into pieces

  • 2 c. cooked organic Black Beans, drained

  • 3 Tbs. organic raw Cocoa Powder

  • 3 Tbs. Coconut Flakes (more to taste)

  • 1 c. organic Walnuts, roughly chopped

  • 1 pinch of Pink Sea Salt

  • 2 Free Range Eggs

  • 3 Tbs. freshly ground Golden Flax Seeds

  • 2/3 c. Birch Xylitol or 1 c. Chicory Root powder

Preheat the oven to 325°F and line an 11-inch square or 8 x 11 baking pan with parchment paper.

Melt the coconut oil on low heat in a medium size pan, add dark chocolate pieces. Stir around until the chocolate is completely melted.

Chocolate Black Bean Bars2

Chocolate Black Bean Bars

Put beans, cacao powder, coconut flakes and 1/2 cup of the walnuts in a blender or a food processor. Blend for one minute or until well chopped, then add the chocolate mixture and blend for one more minute, scraping down sides once.

Chocolate Black Bean Bars6

Chocolate Black Bean Bars6

In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs with an electric mixer for about 2 minutes, add the flax seeds and xylitol and beat for one more minute.

Save 1 tablespoon of egg mixture in a separate cup and pour the rest into the chocolate and bean mixture and process just until incorporated.

Add remaining walnuts and dark chocolate and stir gently with a spatula to blend.

Chocolate Black Bean Bars7

Chocolate Black Bean Bars7

Pour into the baking pan.

Drip the remaining egg mixture on top of the chocolate mixture and use a toothpick or a knife to create a marble effect.

Chocolate Black Bean Bars final

Bake for 25 - 30 minutes depending on size of pan. They might still feel a little soft in the middle when you test with a toothpick, but they will harden when they cool. These are decadently chocolaty!

You can spread a little no-sugar-added raspberry jam on top for variation.

~ Enjoy!  ♥

Blood Sugar and Weight Loss Support in a Bean?

A friend of mine told me about green coffee bean extract a few weeks ago, and I have finally found a minute to do a little research. My sister who lives in London, and my older brother both have Type II Diabetes.  I am always looking for natural ways one can keep blood sugar levels in line, because sometimes we all cheat on our diets!

I posted the list of Foods that Help Lower Blood Sugar, so add this to them.

I don't subscribe to TV, but I understand Dr. Oz had a show on the benefits of Green Coffee Bean extract. After doing a little digging here's what  found:

Green coffee bean extract is a powerful anti-oxidant

Friday, May 18, 2012 by: Dr. David Jockers

There are two major types of coffee plants; Arabica and Robusta. The highest quality green coffee bean extract comes from the Arabica plant which is higher in the polyphenol anti-oxidants chlorogenic and caffeic acids. The majority of coffee drinkers are missing out on much of the benefits that coffee contains. The deep roasting process significantly reduces the anti-oxidant content.

Additionally, coffee is one of the most widely pesticide/herbicide sprayed crops in the world. Studies have shown over 1000 toxic chemicals in roasted coffee. It is essential to use organic coffee that is free of these dangerous chemicals that mimic hormones, congest our liver, kidneys and bowels and promote cancer growth.

Another powerful carcinogen is produced when high temperature cooking (baking, frying & roasting) damages sugars which then interact with the amino acid asparagine. This chemical reaction creates the potent carcinogen acrylamide. Instant and deeply roasted coffee has been shown to have significantly more acrylamide than brewed coffee.

There are many great health benefits associated with coffee consumption. A recent 2011 study indicated that individuals who consumed the most coffee had the lowest risk of type II diabetes. The researchers found that the chlorogenic acid reduces the release and creation of excess glucose in the body.

Blood sugar balance

Blood sugar balance is an absolutely critical measure of healthy aging in the body. Too much sugar and grains in the diet will lead to blood sugar imbalances. The body then goes through spirals of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. These blood sugar imbalances cause inflammation in the body that damage hormonal control systems, organs, and immune function.

Glucose overload is another major cause of blood sugar imbalances.  The common sign of this is elevated fasting blood sugar levels. At night, the individual has elevated glucose-6-phosphatase (G6P) enzyme activity that causes an elevated release of blood sugar from the muscle and liver. The body is basically eating these tissues.

The latest evidence shows that healthy fasting blood sugar ranges are between 65-85 mg/DL. Meanwhile, post meal ranges (2 hrs after) should never go above 120 mg/dL. When levels test higher it is a clear indication of oxidative stress damaging cells and tissues of the body.

The major anti-oxidant in green coffee bean extract, chlorogenic acid, has been shown to profoundly inhibit the release of the G6P enzyme which significantly stabilizes blood sugar levels. In one clinical study a dose of 400mg of green coffee bean extract showed a 32% reduction in the post meal blood glucose spike. This translates into someone who would have an extremely dangerous 160mg/dL blood sugar level down to a safe post-meal level of 109mg/dL

Stable blood sugar allows for better energy, mental clarity, hormone function, detoxification capabilities and weight loss. Raw green coffee bean extract along with other superfoods such as cacao and cinnamon all show great results in stabilizing blood sugar and improving overall bodily functions. The combination of these three also synergizes to create even greater effects in the body.

Due to the diuretic effects of caffeine in the coffee it is necessary to consume extra water. The water should ideally be from a natural spring or have gone through a deep filtration process to remove environmental toxins.


And a second reference that states:

There are many reasons you may not be losing weight. If you started lifting weights, then chances are you are building muscle, which would negate any fat loss. This is good because muscle burns more calories than fat, so chances are you’ll see nice weight loss results down the road.

Second, if you do not sleep enough or aren’t eating enough, your body’s metabolism will slow down, negating the powerful weight loss properties of green coffee extract. Women should eat at least 1,200 calories per day and men should eat at least 1,500 calories per day.

Third and finally, the most likely culprit is that you’re still eating too much. Studies have shown that humans tend to under-estimate their caloric intakes by 25-40% on a normal basis. Therefore, you could be eating 300-600 calories more per day then you think you are.

Another likely culprit for overeating is due to emotional eating. Dr. Oz recently tackled this problem that affects a large percentage of the population. You see, when we are sad our dopamine levels are significantly lower. To increase these pleasure chemicals in our body, we eat junk foods, which have chemicals designed to increase these dopamine levels.

To combat this, Dr. Oz recommends taking saffron extract,  a natural extract from a flower grown in tropical regions. Saffron extract replaces the dopamine levels you are lacking, which prevents you from snacking on unhealthy foods.

WebMD article: Green Coffee Beans May Aid Weight Loss (click on Title).

CAUTION: If you have hypertension, or a medical condition that cautions against the consumption of Caffeine, do not take this product.  Always check with your doctor before starting any Supplement.

~ Be Well!

Some Good News about Depression and Anti-oxidants!

We've all heard how much money Americans spend on anti-depressants every year, and how much of them wind up in our water supply.

What a boon to the Earth and to humanity for a natural, non-toxic substance to be found just as effective in the treatment of this condition.  The fantastic news is that we may have stumbled on just such a discovery.

After my mother's onset of dementia, I became clinically depressed.  She lived with us, and my children were 10 and 1 at the time. I was put on Wellbutrin, which messed with my brain in unhealthy ways. I couldn't think clearly, I could no longer multitask or plan meals or appointments for the next few days. I got off the meds and natural remedies. Based on my experience I would not recommend prescription drugs to anyone, unless they had exhausted other methods of treatment.

Below is good news!

Antioxidants as antidepressants: fact or fiction?

Scapagnini G, Davinelli S, Drago F, De Lorenzo A, Oriani G. 2012, Jun 1st

Source : Department of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Molise, Campobasso, Italy.

Depression is a medical condition with a complex biological pattern of aetiology, involving genetic and epigenetic factors, along with different environmental stressors. Recent evidence suggests that oxidative stress processes might play a relevant role in the pathogenic mechanism(s) underlying many major psychiatric disorders, including depression.


Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species have been shown to modulate levels and activity of noradrenaline (norepinephrine), serotonin, dopamine and glutamate, the principal neurotransmitters involved in the neurobiology of depression. Major depression has been associated with lowered concentrations of several endogenous antioxidant compounds, such as vitamin E, zinc and coenzyme Q10, or enzymes, such as glutathione peroxidase, and with an impairment of the total antioxidant status.

Additionally, curcumin, the yellow pigment of curry, has been shown to strongly interfere with neuronal redox homeostasis in the CNS and to possess antidepressant activity in various animal models of depression, also thanks to its ability to inhibit monoamine oxidases.

There is an urgent need to develop better tolerated and more effective treatments for depressive disorders and several antioxidant treatments appear promising and deserve further study.

Be Well! ♥

Kale and Bean Wraps


  • 1 extra virgin Olive Oil

  • 1 organic White onion, sliced thin

  • 5-6 cups mixed organic Greens (Kale, Chard, Spinach, Collards, Watercress…)

  • 1 c. organic Carrots, shredded

  • 1 c. cooked sprouted Lentils (cook in broth or green tea and spices to give it flavor)

  • 1 c. Mung Beans, soaked overnight or till sprouted

  • 1/4 c. Water or Vegetable broth

  • 2 Tbs. organic Ginger, chopped

  • 3 Tbs. organic Tamari Sauce (Gluten Free)

  • 1 Tbs. Sweet Chili Sauce

  • 1 tsp. Black Pepper

  • 1 tsp. Cayenne Pepper

Pour olive oil into a large sauté pan over medium heat. Tilt pan to spread oil on bottom of pan. Add onions and saute for 2 minutes, then add greens and carrots.

Stir for 5 -6 minutes or until greens turn bright.

carrot onion kale saute

carrot onion kale saute

Add Mung beans, lentils and water. Stir to mix.  When it starts to simmer, turn heat to low, cover and cook for 10-12 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Add ginger, and seasoning. Stir well, cover and simmer for another 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until kale is tender. Add more water if necessary.

Taste and adjust seasoning.

Serve wrapped in wilted Chard leaf, whole grain Tortilla, or open face on WASA Rye crackers.  Bon Apetit.